The Driving School Wed, 06 Sep 2023 14:17:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Driving School 32 32 Habits of Safe Drivers Sat, 26 Oct 2019 08:58:00 +0000

Statistics New Zealand reported 400 people died on the roads in 2018, what saddens? This calamity was 100% preventable, protect yourself, practice what safe drivers don’t do.

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Mistakes New Drivers Make Sat, 31 Aug 2019 08:56:00 +0000

New drivers? This blog is for you. I know you’ve excited to have your restricted drivers licence, But wait! before you get behind the wheel and put mouth into gear. We need to talk about the five common mistakes new drivers make. If you think you’ve good at multitasking, listen up!.

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PLUG INS ARE FOR GIRLS…. Sun, 28 Jul 2019 09:51:00 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?p=1599

If you’ve never seen an electric car before….relax no worries! You can begin from zero and be up to 60 mph by the end of this read, easy as…

Should you buy an electric – plug in car? If you want to make a difference to save planet earth, the answer is yes… If you want to save money, the answer is usually no… From an environmental perspective there is no question that plug in propulsion is superior, despite some propaganda to the contrary.

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The Restricted Driving Test Fri, 09 Jun 2017 09:52:00 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?p=1598

In 2013 the New Zealand Government changed the driving tests. The new tests have been adapted from the state of Victoria, Australia.

A decision was made to improve the standard of driving in New Zealand. There is no way to improve the drivers of the time but a line was drawn in the sand and anyone from 2013 would learn to drive correctly.

This updated restricted test has now brought New Zealand up to standard with the rest of the Western World.

The emphasis of the test is the ability to cross traffic and change lanes. These manoeuvres must be done safely in both a 50kmph and 100kmph zones.

I am often asked to pick up students from their home and do a lesson around their local area.  Lessons can be done locally but only very basic lessons for very novice students, as the local town will not have road layout or traffic volume required to teach all that is required for the test. The other factor the stops home pick-ups is the Auckland traffic, as I am unable to get to the next lesson on time.

This can cause inconvenience to both parents and students but is unavoidable, as the practice for the test must be done at the designated testing stations.

A lack of lessons and a lack of practice will result in failing the test. A student can need at least ten lessons just to learn what is needed to pass the test then the same again as practice lessons.

Practice can be done with their parents. Any driving is good driving as experience in traffic and ideally around the test area.

A student shouldn’t go for their test unless they are quietly confident  they will pass. Yes there will be nerves, but if the student is not confident at intersections and roundabouts practice some more.

We have a saying in The Driving School.  “Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.”

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When should I sit the Defensive Driving Course? Sun, 09 Apr 2017 09:55:00 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?p=1604

The Defensive Driving course is about a driver’s attitude. If you’re a beginner, you haven’t yet formed your own attitude, as your driving will have been under supervision.

The course is better suited to those who have already attained their restricted licence. These drivers are now driving alone and having to cope with all the hazards on the road.

The natural impatience of young drivers is their worst enemy. Speed, dangerous over-taking, bad decisions at intersections all stem from lack of experience and poor judgment.

The Defensive Driving course sets out to change these negative attitudes, by pointing out specifically what they are doing wrong, and teaching them a more tolerant approach to driving.

Encouraging learner drivers to sign on to a defensive driving course is a money making exercise, free driving lessons have to be paid for some how, but is doing that novice driver no favours as the information in the course has little relevant to their level of ability.

We at The Driving School recommend young drivers do the Defensive Driving Course after they have received their restricted drivers licence as the information taught on the course to a more experienced driver is so much more beneficial. Basically there is no real benefit of completing the course until after someone has earnt their restricted drivers license.

If you want to enroll in a course, you can do so at

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Adult Female Drivers and Confidence Tue, 20 Sep 2016 14:15:00 +0000
There are a few female drivers around for one reason or another that have not gone on to their next level of licence or have stopped driving.

Not to worry. Did you know there are just as many male drivers who also put off doing the next stages of their licence for the some of the same reasons?

You have 5 years to get each stage of your licence so it is better to break your practice into manageable bits. The main thing is to keep driving under-supervision every chance your get.

If you have a husband or male friend or female friend with a full licence ask if you can drive in quiet areas for short spaces of time even 30 minutes to the nearest shop. Do not let your husband or boyfriend drive all the time because it is his habit to do so.

If you struggle with having a professional male instructor also do not be afraid to swap to a professional female instructor. It might be that you are a female that is happier being taught by another female. There is nothing wrong with this. Male students often like to be taught by men.

Whatever the gender of your professional driving instructor it is important that you can understand their instructions and that you feel comfortable with them. If you are always worried when driving it make it hard to learn.

If you have responsibility for children and need to learn to drive, find an instructor close to you that can work around your child-care. Many of my students find it useful to book a set time each week and stick to it, a good time is when your child is at a kindy/childcare class or when your partner is able to have them for a while.

Children love seeing their mothers drive, having good habits and being a calm driver, sets a great example for even little children. Get out there and have a go!

Practice, practice, practice. Find out what you need to do and practice – Mel
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Driving Defensively Tue, 20 Sep 2016 14:14:00 +0000

Driving Defensively gives you a better chance of staying alive when other vehicle users do not drive well. I thought I would blog about some ways that we can drive to reduce risks of being injured or paying to have your car under go major repairs.

I would firstly say DO NOT DEPEND on other drivers to obey road rules or act with common sense. There are many reasons why other drivers make mistakes like illness, tiredness, confusion, impatience, simply lack of knowledge or just not thinking before acting.

PAY ATTENTION, when you are driving. Seriously you only have one job, that is to drive your car safely. You need to be aware of other traffic, road markings, lights, roundabouts, pedestrians and cyclists. Tasks non-related to driving can wait until you are no longer driving.

Ask yourself – what I am about to do IS IT SAFE? If other drivers ignore speed limits, road rules and traffic signs this is not an invitation for you to be a copy cat. Be strong and do what you are legally supposed to be doing, chances are you will find those people in accident later on in the day.

FOLLOW SPEED LIMITS, we have all heard, the faster you go the bigger the mess. The faster you go the harder it is to stop in an accident and the more damage to your car. Plus if your are caught speeding this incurs a huge fine, the police might be able to have a better Christmas party but what is for sure you will not.

Use the 2 AND 4 SECOND RULE. I see people tail-gaiting (driving to close) to others cars everyday. Ever wonder how people get in accidents? Not knowing about following distances is a major cause! Why? You have less time to stop by not leaving one that is why.

A big one, KEEP LEFT, by keeping left I mean do not drive on the right hand side of your lane. If your drive on the right hand side of you lane in a 80 km zone or 100 km zone you stand a good chance of being involved in a head on collision.

People cutting across lines are a major cause of accidents.

DRIVE TO THE CONDITIONS, be more careful in the rain, snow, glare, heavy traffic and the road surface, increase your following distance to 4 seconds.

ONGOING LEARNING, I might be a driving instructor but I am open to learning new things about driving. Road rules can change, it is a good idea to brush up on your knowledge occasionally


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The North Shore Connection Tue, 20 Sep 2016 14:12:00 +0000

I was thinking the other day, how much of a connection The Driving School has with the North Shore in Auckland, Even though I no longer live there.

Mellisa Clark has now taken on the North Shore as her territory with The Driving School so we can offer some well priced driving lessons to all the North Shore residents and from February 2016 The Driving School will also be running Defensive Driving courses in the Glenfield area, again at competitive prices.

The Driving School has an interest free finance package that we offer so clients can spread the cost of their lessons. The company we use for this is Debit Success who are also located on the North Shore. They started in Birkenhead but expanded so much they had to move premises To Northcote, North Shore.

When I first moved to New Zealand from the U.K. twenty five years ago I was five months pregnant.  My husband [a southern Kiwi man] and I rented a flat just five minutes drive away from the North Shore Hospital, whilst we put a house on the block of land we had bought. We lived on the North Shore for six months. My son was born on the ninth floor of the North Shore hospital later as was my other son two years after that, we just had a longer car ride in from Helensville

Mellisa looks forward to meeting lots of you who are North Shore residents in the near future. Feel free to call her, if you want any information about our North Shore Driving School.

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Manual Driving Lessons Tue, 20 Sep 2016 14:10:00 +0000

It’s just more fun! Manual cars give you the control. You have to read the road ahead of you and think what action you need to take, when to manually change up or down the gears in relation to your speed and road conditions, unlike an automatic car, which does all the thinking for you.

I live on a very twisty road which has some very challenging bends plus steep climbs in places. I enjoy the journey from and to home in the manual car. Slowing into the bend then accelerating out requires lots of concentration and manual gear changing. You need to be a thinking driver to drive manual!

When I started the ‘The Driving School’ back in 2005, the first car I used as the school car was a manual. Back then car yards started to bring in cheap Japanese automatic cars and people got lazy and didn’t want to put the extra time in to learn to drive a manual. The difference in lesson time to learn a manual is about five lessons, after that, it is the same as driving an automatic. The first five manual driving lessons are all about getting control of the clutch.

Living in a country area the demand for manual driving was still high as many of the young people drove tractors and Land Rovers on the farm, but automatic cars came thick and fast! The request for automatic lessons increased to the point I was losing a lot of business. I was forced to buy a second car, an automatic. I still had some manual driving lessons but nowhere near the number as before.

In the last two years I have noticed an increase in demand for manual driving lessons, this is because the Police, the Armed Forces, and some government- backed apprentice schemes require you to have a manual driving licence. In addition, the increase in immigrant drivers coming from countries where manual driving is the most popular form of driving, still require manual tuition. Most of Europe, India and China are manual driving countries.

If you are thinking of manual driving lessons, it really is only a little more effort at the beginning but well worth it in the end.

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Female Driving Instructors Tue, 20 Sep 2016 09:58:00 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?p=1607

Often there is a perception that females cannot drive manual cars, a very chauvinistic view if you ask me. These days’ cars are designed to be easier to drive with the use of power steering and reversing cameras. These modern gadgets make thing a lot easier for us little females, and many macho men too.

When I first learnt to drive, I was taught by my parents, on rough farm tracks. I was blissfully unaware that automatic cars existed. When I left school I joined the Air Force as a Driver. My driving instructor way back then was a female and also many of my workmates were women as well, in a very male dominated workplace.

I was taught to drive a large variety of vehicles and obtained all my H.T. licences, from class 1 to class 5 plus my motor bike licence class 6 and most of my instructors along the way were female driving instructors.

Having gained all of my H.T. licences I later left the Air Force and went to drive Straddle-carriers trucks at The Ports of Auckland, which was yet again a very male dominated work place. I was one of a very few female drivers. Learning to drive a manual car at the very beginning was an advantage to my later career.

I have now moved on to becoming a female driving instructor, running my own business. This is a new challenge to me, so far it has been a good move.

Many of my students, but not all are female. Some by coincidence, others by choice. There are certain community’s that prefer female driving instructors because of cultural reasons, other female students just like to be in the car with a female driving instructor. This is their personal choice, on the other hand there are many young men who prefer a male instructor, that’s OK too.

Happy Days Mel

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