If you’ve never seen an electric car before….relax no worries! You can begin from zero and be up to 60 mph by the end of this read, easy as…
Should you buy an electric – plug in car? If you want to make a difference to save planet earth, the answer is yes… If you want to save money, the answer is usually no… From an environmental perspective there is no question that plug in propulsion is superior, despite some propaganda to the contrary.
- What is an Electric-Plug In Car?….Its simply a pure battery vehicle which has no gasoline backup, If it does have a gasoline back up, its termed Plug-In Hybrid. A pure electric vehicle is cost effective to build because it has just one drive train with no back up, much more electric range is needed, meaning more battery capacity, which is the most expensive component. The other major disadvantage to an Electric Plug-In being if you wish to undertake a longer journey, say between two cities, rather than just around one, you are limited to public charging which can be a slow and unreliable process.
- What is an Plug-In Hybrid Car?….Its a vehicle that can perform two things: Firstly it can be driven a limited distance on electricity from the battery, which is charged by plugging into a grid power and secondly it has a gasoline engine which turns on when the battery is low to keep the vehicle running indefinitely so long as its refueled.
- Courtesy of the seasoned pair of female driving instructors servicing Kumeu, Westgate, Massey, Hobsonville and the Northshore.